Cyclone® 70

工业高能回旋加速器允许您生产各种放射性同位素,包括68Ge、123I 和 82Sr。




能量范围从 30 到 70 MeV,可灵活生产各种放射性同位素,包括68Ge、123I 和 82Sr。


IBA 是唯一一家能够提供高水平专业经验并成功安装和运行六台 70 Mev回旋加速器的公司。


由于使用70 MeV 质子,可以生产出两个重要的 PET 发生器母体,即82Sr和68Ge。Cyclone® 70 还可以生产123I。



  • Férid Haddad

    Professor at Nantes University, GIP ARRONAX Director

    We have the first Cyclone® 70 (and only -XP) and we are using all its capabilities on a regular basis since 2010: isotope production using protons (strontium-82 production for use in cardiac imaging through Sr82/Rb82 generator), deuterons (copper-64 production for PET imaging in oncology) and alpha particles (astatine-211 for alpha targeted therapy), irradiation in a dedicated experimental hall for physics, radiolysis, radiobiology. With our Cyclone® 70, stable beams are available from pA up to hundreds of µA which makes it a versatile tool for both research and production. All together, we are running around 4000h per year, all year long. This has allowed us to develop our own expertise on the machine and we know that we can count on IBA experts when needed.

  • Will Skarupa

    Executive Director Facilities & Services, Zevacor Molecular

    The collaboration with IBA on this project has been great from the start. They have supplied all the information we needed for architects and engineers to develop the project and for our contractors to finish the project on time. The team is great to work with!
